Directions and Transportation

Welcome Campus Visitors!

det365app非常激动地欢迎客人来到det365app美丽的校园,希望你们能度过愉快的旅程! 使用下面的互动校园地图找到校园内不同的位置,并使用下面的链接来指导你的旅程. Need assistance, contact Guest Services at 724-249-4895 or

Directions to Campus

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Traveling by Car

From the North -沿79号州际公路向南至70号州际公路东/79号州际公路向南至20号出口,Beau Street. Exit and bear right to the traffic light. 在红绿灯处左转,沿着博街走到学院. (See directions below for PA Route 136 west.)

From the South -沿79号州际公路北至70号州际公路西/79号州际公路北至20号出口,Beau Street. Exit and make a left from the exit ramp. 在红绿灯处左转,沿着博街走到学院. (See directions below for PA Route 136 west.)

From the East - Take Interstate 70 west to Exit 20, Beau Street. Make a left from the exit ramp. 在红绿灯处左转,沿着博街走到学院. (See directions below for PA Route 136 west.)

From the West - Interstate 70 east to Exit 20, Beau Street. Exit and bear right to the traffic light. 在红绿灯处左转,沿着博街走到学院. (See directions below for PA Route 136 west.)

PA Route 136 West - Traveling on PA 136 west (Beau Street) proceed for 1.3 miles, then turn LEFT onto College Street (one-way). 在左车道行驶,在下一个红绿灯处左转进入惠灵街(双向). 继续直行穿过下一个红绿灯,然后下山到你右边的伯内特中心(灰色的石头建筑). 右转进入伯内特中心后面的车道,然后右转进入格兰特街.  The Taylor lot will be immediately on your LEFT.

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