Thank you for your interest in Washington & Jefferson College. 所有通过det365app的在线流程提交的申请将收到一封自动确认电子邮件. Due to the number of applications received, 很遗憾,det365app无法回复有关职位是否已满的状态查询,也无法向所有申请人发送职位关闭通知. 如果det365app确定你的技能和经验符合职位要求, we will contact you to discuss the opportunity further.
Employee Benefits
Washington & Jefferson College offers a comprehensive benefit package for benefit eligible employees; including health, vision, and dental coverage, group life insurance, AD&D和有限公司的保险,退休计划,慷慨的休假时间,以及学费福利计划. 这些福利大大增加了员工的总薪酬.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Washington & Jefferson College (W&J)致力于增加det365app社区的多样性,并积极追求来自不同背景的个人. Additionally, W&J College complies with all applicable federal, 在所有的教育项目和活动中提供平等的机会, 录取学生和就业条件的所有符合条件的个人,不分种族, color, sex, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, gender identity, or national origin.
Title IX
For more information about Title IX compliance, please visit Title IX at W&J. W&J is committed to assisting all members of the W&J community in providing for their own safety and security. The Annual Security Report can be found by visiting Health, Safety and Security.